Monday, July 27, 2009

Once upon a penpal

When I was twelve and obsessed with horses, I began subscribing to a horse lovers magazine. The readership was concentrated on young girls in their tweens and, before the scary harydom of paedos in internet chat rooms, there was a printed section with penpal ads.

I can't fully remember if I placed an ad or if I found this ad by accident but suddenly, magically, my twelve year old self had a penpal with the EXACTLY same name as myself and for months on end this novelty refused to wear off.

Heather the Second and I shared nothing in common except for our similar names. She was two years older than I and already into drugs and boyfriends, and I'm pretty damn sure that if we were ever at the same school together she would've punched me in the face instead of befriended me, but still! We had the same name and liked horses. Wowee!! Go us!

A recent article from the BBC speaks of how appealing the same name game is, especially with the advent of facebook and people tempted to google themselves looking for their name twin. Why is there any appeal to this whatsoever? [I refuse to take any hypocritical criticism on writing for a blog sprouted from having the same middle name ;)].

I pass you on to an article written by Laura Schocker to find out why...
Read it here.

And if you ever find me again, Heather the Second... please don't punch me in the face... I like horses???

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